It’s that voting time of year again folks, and to celebrate a friend of mine merged my face into Sarah Palin’s. Don’t let that haunt your dreams… Well it seems the American public saw fit to hand the House back to the Republicans. Oh well. Yay gridlock! Maybe we can all make up our minds about what we want from our government one of these days. The worst thing about this post election is: I now hate the word shellacking. I liked that word… Oh well. Early on in the month I found out I would be working on Scrooge at CTC. I’m struggling to find time to finish writing Sid & Nancy… or the motivation. There’s a lot on the old plate… editing a film (or two), blocking Princess Bride… and what was it? Oh yeah! Going to Sarasota for the Medieval Faire there! This would be my first ‘return’ show… meaning it’s the first time a show we started as a new team will be seeing us for a second time! Awesome. It was great to see those folks Down there! During the week I stayed with Deangelo (He actually live down there… and you wondered why he is so dark!). Somehow he got me out to work on his side project- Decorating Elves. Yup! Yours truly put down the high end lights for the stringed kind and prettied up houses all over the Bay. It was actually pretty friggin cool! Not to mention I got to see some flora and fauna- tons of it. Florida is such a rich state in that aspect- life is everywhere… and a lot of it is very exotic. Anyways- almost 40 hours of work later found us on the other side of the weekend, once again donning the tights… We pressed on through horrible heat. Yes you heard that right. Horrible heat in November. And all this wonderful food that an independent show can put out. (Haggis anyone? Meatpie?) But alas- it never last. Monday came, I bought some cheap rum for home (Sailor Jerry’s is cheap right?) and hit the road. Once I got back to Carolina I was greeted by a nice surprise- puppies. In case you missed it in the October photos, one of my dogs actually got pregnant when she got out. No false pregnancy here… just four cute as hell puppies. Two od which already have good homes! A few days later I was hanging lights again- this time for Scrooge… which also just started tech rehearsals. I’ll be in the trap room, running the fog machines and taking care of a ‘flying sled’. It’s gonna be fun. What’s left? OH! That’s right, Turkey day. Rebecca and I ran back to the other Carolina to see the folks and have waaaaaaay too many calories. Guess I’m going to have to an extra long jog tomorrow. So that’s it. That’s November. No Black Friday for me by the way… I order online! So I’ll see you gladiators next month as I work my butt off trying to prep for the new year.
Alright then, for those about to fight- I salute you!